How to Choose A Whistleblower Lawyer

Whistleblower Lawyer

How to Choose A Whistleblower Lawyer

Hiring an attorney can already be a tough challenge, but finding the right whistleblower attorney can be an even bigger concern simply because of what’s at stake. Whistleblowers are tasked with coming forward to report misconduct, major violations, and poor practices committed by employers and colleagues alike.

The process of reporting the information that a whistleblower may be privy to is never easy and it can put that individual’s career, livelihood, and even their life in such a state of such upheaval and discord that many potential whistleblowers are too intimidated to come forward.

But without diligent and brave individuals taking the bold steps towards alerting authorities to violations and crimes in corporations and government agencies, the changes necessary for improving these bodies can never be implemented for the benefit of the employees working in them and the public as a whole.

That’s why whistleblowers must feel fully safe and protected from harassment and reprisal for their actions. This is when you need a whistleblower lawyer. But not just any will do, you want someone with the expertise, resources, and support staff to protect your rights throughout a typically lengthy and complex process.

When you are reviewing your potential candidates, keep these very important factors in mind:

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Whistleblower laws can be highly complicated and any legal matters that pertain to the actions of a whistleblower must be dealt with by trained advocates who are well-versed in the intricacies of whistleblower claims. This level of expertise comes only with experience and so you want your whistleblower attorney to have plenty of it when he or she is representing you in your actions as a whistleblower.

The laws pertaining to such actions vary from one state to another and so your attorney must be fully apprised of the legalities that will govern your claim.

Track Record

Any attorney can be judged by his or her track record in handling the cases for which they specialize. If that attorney has not won many cases, you can probably guess that he or she lacks something in helping their clients gain a victory. But where whistleblower cases are concerned, it’s not as much about winning the case as it is being fully protected under the law.

While some whistleblower cases might have a component of compensation being earned, many such instances require that an individual who has chosen to come forward to authorities with information does not suffer reprisals or attacks from the parties to whom a whistleblower’s reporting could do considerable damage, be it incarceration or financial damages in the form of fines and penalties.

You want a whistleblower with a successful track record demonstrating that he or she has the capability to safeguard your rights in the face of heavy scrutiny. If there is the compensation you are seeking, then your attorney should be skilled at presenting a case to the courts that is sure to prevail and get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

If you don’t believe that a candidate has either of these things, look elsewhere for someone to represent you in filing your claim.

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