Consider A Los Angeles, CA Sexual Harassment Lawyer Attorney or Law Firm

Consider A Los Angeles, CA Sexual Harassment Lawyer Attorney or Law Firm

More sexual harassment victims are confidently coming forward when incidents occur, and employers are taking the necessary steps to address the behavior and protect their staff.

Under California state and federal laws, any inappropriate physical or verbal act of a sexual nature that brings distress on the job front, interfering with the ability to perform tasks violates that individual’s civil rights.

Whether this involves duress from a manager or coworker, explicit messaging, or improper touching, the behavior is explicitly prohibited. A sexual harassment lawyer Los Angeles specializes in this side of the law to ensure your rights are protected, and justice is carried out.

When contacting a law firm, the professional will arrange a confidential assessment to discern if there is a case of sexual harassment and if you can move forward with the claim under California state laws or within the federal system.

The key is following the attorney’s guidance to achieve the most successful outcome. The lawyer aims to present the court with an individual who experienced a violation of their rights and not a staff member pursuing their employer for retribution.

What You Should Know Before Hiring a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney

Under California state and federal laws, an inappropriate physical or verbal act of a sexual nature, whether duress from a manager or coworker, explicit messaging, or improper touching, is expressly prohibited behavior in the workplace.

The staff member’s rights are protected under the law, and an attorney works diligently with their client to realize these protections.

The priority is understanding key factors before reaching out for a consultation with a Los Angeles harassment lawyer, so you’re fully prepared for your case. Find out when you should hire an attorney at

Here are guidelines to follow when you’re the victim of sexual harassment, and what to know before you turn to a professional.

Become familiar with the definition of harassment

Numerous behaviors, including unwanted advances, can define sexual harassment. These are common links most people associate with this harassment, along with improper comments relating to appearance. Still, any discriminatory act based on an individual’s gender can also fall under this category.

You might be given a distinct set of duties or offered a specific shift, overlooked for advancements within the company, or passed over for upgrades in pay because of gender. These are acts of sexual harassment and should not be tolerated.

If your job performance entitles you to the same liberties as other members of the staff, these should be provided without hesitation or blatant denial. Go here for guidance on sexual harassment law.

Be aware of the firm’s sexual harassment policy

All businesses have a distinct sexual harassment policy, letting staff know the proper steps to follow if improper workplace behavior occurs. These policies will let the staff know precisely how to report the incidents and make a formal claim.

It should be readily accessible in the employee handbook, with the contract terms, or in other documents provided with initial hiring. The language should be straightforward and understandable by everyone, with details on who to report to, the evidence required, and how to proceed if your report is not addressed.

The format follows a step-by-step premise from the first point of contact to filing a legal claim when the business leader does not attempt to resolve the situation.

Avoid resigning

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not only distressing, it’s a frightening experience that can make you feel all alone, but it’s essential to avoid leaving the position without standing up for your rights.

When you’re no longer a staff member of the business, according to Los Angeles jurisdiction, you can’t base a claim on that company’s sexual harassment policy. As would be apparent, the potential for legal proceedings would be considerably reduced without the claim.

If you feel you need to resign, try to hold out until the lawsuit filing and the evidence has been gathered to follow through with the case. The attorney will do due diligence in helping to collect this.

Become familiar with how court proceedings work

Many victims avoid filing sexual harassment claims because they have the impression there will be further discrimination with the claims process or that they risk job loss. When pursuing a claim against an employer for sexual harassment, it’s unlawful for a company to retaliate for this action according to “Title VII.”

This same protection indicates a colleague can support another staff member in a harassment case without fear of retaliation. If you can in some way contribute evidence or offer witness testimony, it’s your obligation to come forward regardless of whether you’re directly involved.

The details you provide will be critical to back the claim if the details are consistent with those reported by the victim concerning episodes of harassment that occurred during work hours.

The business will need to perform a formal investigation

The business leader is compelled to investigate when you defer to a sexual harassment claim. That will mean the entire organization will need to take part in the process, meaning the harasser could become aware of the claim filed against them despite the company’s assurances of anonymity.

A claim filed against a harasser doesn’t automatically mean termination

A legal filing of a sexual harassment claim with a Los Angeles attorney doesn’t necessarily mean that a harasser will be automatically fired. Unless the harasser is someone who acts consistently in this way or the behavior has been severe, termination probably won’t be a consideration.

In that same vein, a business manager will or should take necessary precautions to ensure this sort of harassment doesn’t recur. That will mean sexual harassment training within the company and possibly moving the harasser to another area in the organization to keep the two of you apart.

Taking this measure will make it so you won’t need to deal with each other or communicate while in the building.

A single incident might be insufficient for legal proceedings

Unfortunately, an isolated incident is not always enough to build an entire case against an employer or a harasser. That in no way implies that the incident should not be reported.

With each act reported, it develops into a consistent and severe behavior that shouldn’t be tolerated. The paper trail will be significant for the claim. In addition, another staff member could be having similar circumstances with this same harasser, solidifying the sexual harassment case.

Final Thought

As a victim of sexual harassment, follow your instincts when considering hiring a Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney and filing a report with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission if your business manager is not protecting your rights. Please don’t be frightened from doing so.

These essential steps will not only protect your civil rights but also prevent the possibility of the behavior happening to other staff members within the company.

It’s critical to follow company policies and all follow-up protocols to bring sexual harassment to light so adequate measures can be taken to eliminate it in your organization.

When you understand what sexual harassment is and how to defend against it, you can be among the leading forces helping to end the behavior in workplaces altogether.

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